Brexit, passa legge che revoca norme Ue

epa05853857 (FILE) - A file picture dated 26 January 2016 shows a British Union flag flutters next to European Union (EU) flags ahead avisits of then British Prime Minister Cameron at the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium. Britain is the first-ever country to leave the EU after a narrow majority voted to leave in a UK-wide referendum held on 23 June 2016. The 60th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome is marked on 25 March 2017. The treaty was signed on 25 March 1957 at Campidoglio Palace in Rome by Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany to form the European Economic Community (ECC). It continues to be one of the most important ones in the history of the European Union (EU). EPA/LAURENT DUBRULE

a Camera dei Comuni ha approvato stanotte, dopo un dibattito lungo e tirato, il Great Repeal Bill: cruciale legge quadro destinata a cancellare l’European Communities Act del 1972, a revocare con la Brexit la potestà legislativa dell’Ue sul Regno Unito e ad assorbire le norme europee per poi decidere quali mantenere e quali no. I sì sono stati 326, i no 290 e la fragile maggioranza del governo May ha tenuto.

Articolo precedenteIrma: Florida, 12,5 mln persone senza elettricità
Prossimo articoloIstat: giù i disoccupati, il tasso relativo al trimestre cala al 10,9%

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