Attacchi ransomware raddoppiati dal 2017

epa04034669 A file photo dated 23 January 2012 and made available on 21 January 2014 shows a silhouetted face in front of a computer screen with a fictive input mask for a password in Hanover, Germany. The login details of 16 million email users in Germany have been stolen, authorities confirmed on 21 January 2014. The security breach was confirmed by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), which has set up a website allowing internet users to ascertain whether their data has been accessed. EPA/JULIAN STRATENSCHULTE

Gli attacchi ransomware (i virus che prendono in ostaggio pc e smartphone) sono raddoppiati rispetto al 2017, e adesso prendono di mira gli ‘asset’ più critici delle aziende.

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