Nobel per la Fisica a Penrose, Genzel e Ghez

epa08723686 David Haviland (L), member of the Nobel Committee for Physics, and Goran K. Hansson (R), Secretary General of the Academy of Sciences, announce the winners of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics during a news conference at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, in Stockholm, Sweden, 06 October 2020. The joint winners of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics are (L-R, on screen) Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez. EPA/Fredrik Sandberg / POOL SWEDEN OUT

Il Nobel per la Fisica 2020 premia la scoperta degli oggetti più oscuri e misteriosi dell’universo: i buchi neri. E’ stato assegnato per metà a Roger Penrose, 89 anni, e per l’altra metà al tedesco Reinhard Genzel, 68 anni, e all’americana Andrea Ghez, 55 anni.

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