Tag: Israel

Biden: “…..one of those moments when the decisions we make today will determine the future for decades to come.” Full text of Biden’s speech...

London - THE PRESIDENT BIDEN: "Good evening, my fellow Americans. We’re facing an inflection point in history — one of those moments where the decisions we make today are going...

Gaza hospital struck by missile days before major bombing, anglican priest assert. Ospedale di Gaza colpito da un missile giorni prima del grande bombardamento,...

Roma - Here is the video in which an Anglican priest says that the hospital in Gaza was hit by a missile days before the big bombing. Ecco il video nel quale un...

War Hamas – Israel, the UN resolution not approved

by Riccardo Cacelli London - After United States yesterday vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that would have condemned the Hamas attack on Israel and called for a pause in fighting to...

Israele, nave Rachel Corrie attracca ad Ashdod

Ha attraccato ad Ashdod, a sud di Tel Aviv, la nave irlandese Rachel Corrie, intercettata dagli israeliani. L'imbarcazione ha cercato di rompere il blocco imposto alla Striscia di Gaza con un carico...

Video del torero Israel Lancho incornato nella corrida di San Isidro

Video del torero Israel Lancho incornato nella corrida di San Isidro

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