Tag: Urban

The vertiports market is estimated to be USD 0.4 billion in 2023 to USD 10.7 billion by 2030

by Riccardo Cacelli London - The vertiports market is estimated to be USD 0.4 billion in 2023 to USD 10.7 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 62.1% from 2023 to 2030 according...

Vertical Aerospace; ‘We thought we’d be flying in a few years’

by Riccardo Cacelli London - Stephen Fitzpatrick, the founder of the British eVTOL startup Vertical Aerospace, had been invited to speak at the event on “Revolutionising Urban Air Mobility and electrifying air travel,”...

La mobilita’ aerea urbana tra 10 anni. O forse prima

Londra - Come ci si muovera’ nelle citta’ o tra citta’ tra 10/15 anni? O forse prima? Oggi non e’ difficile prevederlo e non e’ fantascienza perche’ importanti societa’ multinazionali, per esempio Boeing,...

“Riversimple Urban Car” la prima vettura low-cost alimentata completamente a idrogeno.

Il video della "Riversimple Urban Car", la prima vettura low-cost alimentata completamente a idrogeno.

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