Iran: vince l’ultraconservatore Ebrahim Raisi

(FILES) In this file photo taken on June 06, 2021 Iranian presidential candidate Ebrahim Raisi gestures during an election campaign rally in the city of Eslamshahr, about 25 kilometres south of the centry of the capital Tehran. - Iran's ultraconservative cleric Ebrahim Raisi won 62 percent of the vote counted so far in a presidential election, officials said today after Raisi's rivals conceded defeat. Raisi won over 17.8 million votes out of 28.6 million ballots counted so far, far ahead of the second-placed candidate Mohsen Rezai who won 3.3 million votes, election office chairman Jamal Orf said on state television after Friday's vote. (Photo by - / AFP)

Ebrahim Raisi è il nuovo presidente iraniano. L’annuncio ufficiale dei risultati è stato dato dal ministro dell’Interno Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli.

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