Si apre grossa voragine in strada alla Balduina a Roma, auto cadono dentro

A big chasm opened in the street and some parked cars fell inside in Balduina's neighborhood, Rome, Italy, 14 February 2018. The cars swallowed by the chasm collapsed for about 10 meters. From the first tests of the Firefighters, it seems that a ridge of an underlying shipyard has collapsed that dragged part of the road where the cars were parked. Two buildings were temporarily evacuated as a precautionary measure after the collapse. ANSA/MASSIMO PERCOSSI

Una grossa voragine si è aperta in strada alla Balduina a Roma. Sul posto la polizia locale per la viabilità. Al momento non si segnalano feriti e la strada è chiusa al traffico. La Procura di Roma ha aperto un fascicolo di indagine.

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