Spread Btp-Bund apre in calo a 268 punti

A financial journalist checks the course of the "spread" caused by the nervousness of the markets due to political uncertainty in Rome, Italy, 29 May 2018. The spread between Italy's 10-year BTP bond and the German Bund dropped back to 282 basis points on Tuesday with a yield of 3.1%. The spread had reached 320 points with a yield of 3.4% at one stage earlier on Tuesday. ANSA/LUCIANO DEL CASTILLO

Lo spread Btp-Bund apre in calo a 268 punti dai 278 della chiusura di ieri. Il rendimento resta al 3%. Avvio positivo per Piazza Affari.

Articolo precedenteGenova, crolla il ponte Morandi dell’autostrada A10
Prossimo articoloMilan, tutto pronto per l’arrivo di Castillejo

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