A Night of Elegance and Generosity: Fundraising for the Magdi Yacoub Institute

London – The prestigious Royal College of Music was abuzz with activity as it hosted a memorable fundraising event for the Magdi Yacoub Institute. The evening began with a sophisticated cocktail party, where guests mingled and shared their admiration for the Foundation’s impactful work. Attendees enjoyed a selection of fine beverages and canapés, setting a refined tone for the night.

Following the reception, the event moved into an exciting auction, masterfully conducted by renowned book author Lord Jeffrey Archie. The auction featured an array of exclusive items and experiences, sparking lively bidding wars among the generous guests. The auction was an opportunity to showcase the attendees’ deep commitment to supporting the Foundation’s vital mission.

The highlight of the evening was undoubtedly the heartfelt speech by Sir Magdi Yacoub and the concert by Omar Kamal, often hailed as the Frank Sinatra of the Middle East. Kamal’s performance captivated the audience, blending classic tunes with his unique charm and vocal
prowess. His enchanting melodies created an unforgettable atmosphere, leaving the attendees both entertained and inspired.

About the Magdi Yacoub Institute

The Magdi Yacoub Institute is a medical research facility which was established in 1980 by Professor Sir Magdi
Yacoub FRS, OM. The aim of the Magdi Yacoub Institute is to improve the lives of the many people affected by heart disease and reduce the number of people suffering and dying worldwide. Although we have made great inroads since the research facility was established in 1980, there is a lot more work to be done in understanding the mechanisms of cardiovascular disease and developing new treatments.

The Institute attracts scientist and clinicians from across the globe and supports the development of young scientists by providing access to facilities and training for PhD students, undergraduates and work experience students alongside senior scientists and early career investigators.

The Institute works closely with research partners at the Aswan Heart Centre, with whom it has a number of joint projects and grants. The UK and Egyptian teams work jointly on a number of collaborative projects. The Magdi
Yacoub Institute also has close ties with The National Heart & Lung Institute at Imperial College London, The Royal Brompton and Harefield Trust and Oxford University.

The Institute’s Impact

The Institute’s work extends beyond immediate medical care, contributing significantly to the broader fields of scientific research and medical education. By fostering innovation and training the next generation of medical professionals, the Foundation ensures a sustainable and far-reaching impact on global health.

In conclusion, the fundraising event at the Royal College of Music was more than just an elegant evening; it was a powerful demonstration of collective goodwill and support for a cause that truly changes lives. The funds raised will further empower the Sir Magdi Yacoub Foundation to continue its essential work, bringing world-class cardiac care to those who need it the most. Deborah Bonetti, director of the Foreign Press Association helped to promote the wonderful event.

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Francesca Lombardo is a freelance journalist. She holds a Master's degree in journalism from the LCC of London and her articles has been published by the Financial Times, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, Sunday Times, Sunday Telegraph, The Herald, Sunday Express, Daily Express, Irish Independent, The Sunday Business Post, A Place in the Sun, Ryanair Magazine, Easyjet Magazine, CNBC magazine, Voyager magazine, Portugal Magazine, Travel Trade Gazette, House Hunter in the sun, Homes Worldwide and to Italian outlets, Repubblica, D Repubblica, L'Espresso, Il Venerdì, Vogue, Vogue Uomo, Vogue Casa, GQ, Il Sole 24 Ore, F Magazine, TU Style, La Stampa, "A", Gioia. Francesca Lombardo has trained at the business desks of the Sunday Times, Daily Mail and Daily Express. She has authored a children's book series titled Beatrice and the London Bus. website: www.francescalombardo.net

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