Fillon, in corsa per l’Eliseo. E’ ‘gollista’ e si dice amico di Putin

epa05647722 Candidate for the right-wing Les Republicains (LR) party primaries ahead of the 2017 presidential election and former French Prime Minister, Francois Fillon waves during the nation anthem during a political rally of the second round of the rightwing presidential primary, in Paris, France, 25 November 2016. Francois Fillon took a commanding lead in the two-round primary that is widely expected to decide the country's next leader. The second round will be held on 27 November 2016. EPA/IAN LANGSDON

Serio, discreto e austero: sono i tre aggettivi che meglio descrivono il cattolicissimo Francois Fillon, che ha conquistato stasera la candidatura all’Eliseo sconfiggendo nettamente il rivale Alain Juppè (a metà scrutinio il distacco era netto: 68,6% dei voti a Fillon mentre Alain Juppeì era fermo al 31,4%).

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