Usa: via il campo dei Sioux contro l’oleodotto

A fire on a building at a camp that has been home to demonstrators against the Dakota Access pipeline is seen after protesters set fire in Cannon Ball, N.D., in the early morning of Wednesday, Feb. 22, 2017. Most of the pipeline opponents abandoned their protest camp Wednesday ahead of a government deadline to get off the federal land, and authorities moved to arrest some who defied the order in a final show of dissent. Earlier in the day, some of the last remnants of the camp went up in flames when occupants set fire to makeshift wooden housing as part of a leaving ceremony. (Mike Mccleary/The Bismarck Tribune via AP) [CopyrightNotice: The Bismarck Tribune]

Una decina di persone sono state arrestate per essersi rifiutate di lasciare il campo di proteste contro la realizzazione dell’oleodotto in Nord Dakota. Alcune tende sono state date alle fiamme ma non si registrano scontri con le forze dell’ordine.

Articolo precedentePubblica amministrazione: via libera del Cdm a 5 decreti. Madia, c’è la riforma degli statali
Prossimo articoloAborto, scontro Ordine medici-Zingaretti. Regione: “Al San Camillo procedure regolari”

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