Paraguay: Ronaldinho di nuovo arrestato

epa08275712 Ronaldo de Assis Moreira, a.k.a. Ronaldinho (C), leaves the Palace of Justice after appearing before Judge Mirko Valinotti, in Asuncion, Paraguay, 06 March 2020. The appeal to the "abbreviated procedural exit’ was granted by the Prosecutor's Office to Brazil's former soccer star Ronaldinho Gaucho and his brother Roberto after being cited for entering Paraguay with false passports. EPA/NATHALIA AGUILAR

L’ex calciatore brasiliano Ronaldinho Gaucho è stato arrestato ieri ad Asuncion, in Paraguay, per la seconda volta in 48 ore con l’accusa di essere entrato nel Paese con un passaporto falso.

Articolo precedenteStretta su Lombardia e 14 province
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