Prof decapitato: Macron, islamisti non dormiranno tranquilli

epa08751641 French President Emmanuel Macron, flanked by French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, speaks, in front of a middle school in Conflans Saint-Honorine, 30kms northwest of Paris, France, 16 October 2020 after a teacher was decapitated by an attacker who has been shot dead by policemen. - French anti-terror prosecutors said on 16 October they were investigating an assault in which a man was decapitated on the outskirts of Paris and the attacker shot by police. The attack happened at around 5 pm (1500 GMT) near a school in Conflans Saint-Honorine, a western suburb of the French capital. The man who was decapitated was a history teacher who had recently shown caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed in class. French prosecutors are treating the attack as a terror incident, which coincides with the trial of alleged accomplices of the 2015 Charlie Hebdo attackers and comes weeks after a man injured two people he thought worked for the magazine. EPA/ABDULMONAM EASSA / POOL MAXPPP OUT EPA-EFE/ABDULMONAM EASSA / POOL MAXPPP OUT

“Gli islamisti non dormiranno sonni tranquilli in Francia. La paura passerà sul fronte opposto”: queste le dure parole del presidente francese Emmanuel Macron.

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