Settimana di mercati: focus su Bce e Usa verso il voto

epa08756746 School children run past a stock market indicator board in Tokyo, Japan, 19 October 2020. The Nikkei Stock Average gained 260.50 points, or 1.11 percent, to close at 23,671.13 on 19 October 2020. On 19 October, the Japanese government announced that the country's exports fell by 19.2 percent year-on-year in the first half of 2020, its largest plunge in over 10 years, whihc was contributed to the coronavirus pandemic. EPA/FRANCK ROBICHON

Riunione della Bce sulla politica monetaria, ultima settimana di campagna elettorale per le presidenziali negli Usa e crescita dei contagi da Covid 19.

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