War Hamas – Israel, the UN resolution not approved

With this decision the conflict escalates, not only militarily


by Riccardo Cacelli
London – After United States yesterday vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution that would have condemned the Hamas attack on Israel and called for a pause in fighting to allow humanitarian access to Gaza, China expressed this morning his “deep disappointment” with the United States’ decision to veto the UN Security Council resolution.

Please note that the United States was the only one to vote against the resolution, with 12 members voting in favor and Russia and the United Kingdom abstaining.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning reported that “China is deeply disappointed by the United States’ obstruction of the Security Council’s adoption of a draft resolution on the Palestinian issue.” “The UN, added the spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, must be able to “play its role in achieving the ceasefire and stopping the war”.

It could have been a resolution that would perhaps have had an impact on stopping the conflict.

The US decision triggered not only a military but a geopolitical escalation in the Middle Eastern area and in the rest of the world.

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