Expressionists: Kandinsky, Münter and the Blue Rider – A Journey into Transcendental Art

London – Tate Modern unveils a captivating journey through the tumultuous yet transformative era of early 20th-century modern art with its latest
exhibition, “Expressionists: Kandinsky, Münter and the Blue Rider”. Delving into the rich tapestry of the Blue Rider movement, this showcase brings together a remarkable collection of masterpieces from the world-renowned

Lenbachhaus in Munich, supplemented by rare loans from public and private collections, to illuminate the radical experimentation that defined this pivotal moment in art history.

At the heart of the exhibition lies the ethos of the Blue Rider collective—an eclectic ensemble of artists united by their quest to convey personal experiences and spiritual ideals through their work. Led by luminaries like Wassily Kandinsky, Gabriele Münter, Franz Marc and Paul Klee, the Blue Rider movement transcended geographical and cultural boundaries to forge a union of artistic expression that defied conventional norms.

The exhibition opens a window into pre-First World War Munich, a vibrant hub of artistic innovation where diverse cultures intersected and ignited a creative renaissance. Portraits and self-portraits, including Marianne Werefkin’s evocative “Self-Portrait” and Münter’s introspective “Listening (Portrait of Jawlensky)”, offer a glimpse into the diasporic tapestry of the creative community, while photographs from the groundbreaking “Masterpieces of Muhammadan Art” exhibition and Erma Bossi’s dynamic “Circus” capture the multifaceted urban experiences that fueled artistic imagination.

Transitioning from the urban milieu of Munich to the rustic serenity of Murnau, the exhibition charts the transformative journey of Kandinsky and Münter as they seek solace and inspiration amidst Bavaria’s sub-Alpine landscape. Here, encounters with local traditions and the natural world catalyze a profound spiritual awakening, reflected in Kandinsky’s groundbreaking abstract compositions like “Improvisation Deluge” and Münter’s intimate portraits such as “Portrait of Marianne Werefkin”.

Throughout the exhibition, visitors are invited to immerse themselves in experiential environments that explore modernism’s fascination with sound, color, and light. Kandinsky’s “Impression III (Concert)” offers a mesmerizing glimpse into synaesthetic experience, while Franz Marc’s enigmatic “Deer in the Snow II” unlocks the mysteries of color theory and optics.

As the exhibition draws to a close, it traces the enduring legacy of the Blue Rider artists, whose manifestos, exhibitions, and scholarly contributions continue to reverberate across the globe. From Münter’s solo exhibitions to Klee’s resilience in the face of censorship, the exhibition pays homage to the indelible mark left by these visionary artists on the annals of art history.

In summation, “Expressionists: Kandinsky, Münter and the Blue Rider” offers a mesmerizing odyssey through the transcendent realms of early modernist art, inviting audiences to embark on a journey of discovery and enlightenment that resonates with relevance in today’s globalized world.

Expressionists is presented in the Eyal Ofer Galleries and is supported by the Huo Family Foundation with additional support from Tate Patrons and Tate Members. The exhibition is organised by Tate Modern in collaboration with Lenbachhaus Munich. It is curated by Natalia Sidlina, Curator International Art, Tate Modern and Genevieve Barton, Assistant Curator, International Art, Tate Modern.

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Listings information

Expressionists: Kandinsky, Münter and the Blue Rider
25 April – 20 October 2024
Tate Modern, Bankside, SE1 9TG; Open daily 10.00–18.00
Tickets available at and +44(0)20 7887 8888
Follow @Tate #Expressionists

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Francesca Lombardo is a freelance journalist. She holds a Master's degree in journalism from the LCC of London and her articles has been published by the Financial Times, Daily Mail, Mail on Sunday, Sunday Times, Sunday Telegraph, The Herald, Sunday Express, Daily Express, Irish Independent, The Sunday Business Post, A Place in the Sun, Ryanair Magazine, Easyjet Magazine, CNBC magazine, Voyager magazine, Portugal Magazine, Travel Trade Gazette, House Hunter in the sun, Homes Worldwide and to Italian outlets, Repubblica, D Repubblica, L'Espresso, Il Venerdì, Vogue, Vogue Uomo, Vogue Casa, GQ, Il Sole 24 Ore, F Magazine, TU Style, La Stampa, "A", Gioia. Francesca Lombardo has trained at the business desks of the Sunday Times, Daily Mail and Daily Express. She has authored a children's book series titled Beatrice and the London Bus. website:

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