by Riccardo Cacelli
Londra - Ieri l’Ansa (Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata) ha pubblicato un articolo del giornalista Lorenzo Attianese dal titolo: “La guerra dei Top Gun italiani - Un ombrello aereo tra le...
by Riccardo Cacelli
London - Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky will arrive in Vilnius to take part in a NATO summit on Wednesday, July 12.
Earlier on Monday, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed Zelensky’s...
by Riccardo Cacelli
Londra - Mentre a Vilnius i leader mondiali dei Paesi aderenti alla Nato stanno discutendo tra loro sui tempi dell'ingresso dell'Ucraina, ieri l'Ambasciata Russa in Italia ha diramato sul proprio...
by Riccardo Cacelli
London - While the US President, Joe Biden, is in London awaiting the NATO summit in Vilnius, it is right to recall the note written by the Russian Foreign Ministry...
Defense leaders testify about military posture, and national security challenges, in the European region before the House Armed Services Committee, Appearing before the committee are, Army Gen. Christopher G. Cavoli, commander of...
London - From: Institute for the Study of War
The Russian military command appears to be increasingly shifting responsibility for offensive operations in Ukraine to the Russian Airborne (VDV) troops.
News of Teplinsky’s reappointment...
by Riccardo Cacelli
London - It started a few days ago the annual nuclear command and control exercise, Global Thunder, by U.S. Strategic Command.
Global Thunder 23 (GT23) involves personnel throughout the strategic enterprise...
Dopo le minacce, segnaIi di distensione da parte di Donald Trump nel primo giorno del vertice Nato. Il presidente aveva minacciato dazi pesantissimi sui prodotti francesi dopo le dichiarazioni di Macron che...